High School Seniors
February 16, 2023 6:26 PM Portrait Services
Now booking class of 2025 early bird specials. Call for current specials and save up to $100! 502.690.8611
Sports Portraits
February 25, 2017 3:03 PM Portrait Services

Family Gallery
February 24, 2017 11:14 PM Portrait Services
Call today to book your family session and receive $20 off any regular session fee. 502.690.8611.
Hometown Heroes
February 16, 2017 6:25 PM Portrait Services
Hometown Hero SeriesI proudly served in the United States Navy for over 20 years. I respect the sacrifices that the men and women of our armed forces and their families make on a daily basis. I also recognize the difficulties facing our first responders and their families. I have friends that are policemen, fireman, EMT's and deputies. These brave men and women get up every day, put on a uniform and help keep us safe. All of these people are worthy of our praise, prayers and utm ......
Boy Scouts
February 16, 2017 6:25 PM Portrait Services
Ask us about our Cub Scout, Boy Scout and American Heritage Girls fund raising programs. We have a wide variety of items to choose from that are custom made. This fundraiser is the easiest you will do all year. There is no door to door selling to do and it can be added to your current programs without competing with the others. We are scout parents too. Call us for details. We also do complete Eagle Scout ceremony coverage.
Graphic Design and Copy & Restoration
February 16, 2017 6:21 PM Portrait Services
We offer full service copy and restoration services. Your photographs never leave our office and the original pictures are hand delivered to you. Our graphic design artist will help you with any marketing needs. ......
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